Not ready for the SAT yet! Don't worry. IVY Elite Academy has programs for K-8th graders as they explore their journey in English. We have classes that are limited to a size of 7 people that are taught by high qualified teachers that have degrees in Education, English, Literature and even Journalism.

Beginner Language of Art
K5-1st grade
영어를 제2외국어로 사용하는 학생들을 위한 영어 수업입니다.
다양한 놀이를 통해 학교에서 사용하는 영어를 친숙하게 배울 수 있는 수업으로 영어로 수업이 진행됩니다.
This is a class for students that are learning English as a secondary language. We will use a lot of educational methods to help students become familiar with the language. The classes will be held fully in English
Advanced Language of Art
2nd-3rd grade
영어를 제2외국어로 사용하는 학생들을 위한 영어 수업입니다.
다양한 놀이를 통해 학교에서 사용하는 영어를 친숙하게 배울 수 있는 수업으로 영어로 수업이 진행됩니다.
They will be reading Magic Tree House and Junie B. Jones. This is a class for students that are learning English as a secondary language. We will use a lot of educational methods to help students become familiar with the language. The classes will be held fully in English.

Writing Club
3rd- 4th grade/4th-5th grade
본격적인 글쓰기 수업으로 글쓰기의 구조를 이해하고 수업 중 배운 문법을 자신의 글쓰기에 적용할 수 있는 수업입니다.
단어의 어원을 알고 배우는 수업이 병행됩니다.
Students that have mastered writing simple sentences without grammatical error. They will now learn how to find the main idea, theme and structure. The classes will consist of learning what the main ideas and structure. This will help students further on their knowledge of writing and later on lead to writing full well constructed paragraphs.
Elite Book Club
4th-5th graders/ 5th-6th graders
초등학생들을 위한 심화 책읽기 과정으로 각 챕터에 따른 교재를 통해 단어를 배우고 토론을 통해 자기 의견을 주장할 수 있는 수업으로 구성되어 있습니다.
단어의 엉원을 알고 배우는 수업이 병행됩니다.
Reading can sometimes be more difficult then any other English subject and something that is challenging to many students. Our academy believes that it is very important for our students to start early and build healthy habits of reading. We will use different reading materials that enhance their reading skills.
These reading materials will also transfer into our debating classes, where students will build their own opinions based on readings.

Advanced Literature & SAT Prep
8th grade and UP
Writing can sometimes feel very difficult especially with an old historical language or arguments that are not discussed in normal day life.
We have teachers that were previous Professional Journalists, Literature Major and English Education majors that are here for the rescue!
영어로 말하는것도 어렵지만, 그 언어를 이용해 글을 쓰고, 자기 새각을 나열하는것은 더 많이 어렵습니다. 이 과정을 도와주기 위해. 학교에서 영문문학과, 저널리쯤 과 영문교육학과를 나온 선생님들이 중학교와 고등학생들을 도와줄수 있습니다.
Reading Club 1-2
Language Art
Elementary 3-4th
Middle 6-7th
Book Club 4-5
Book Club 4-5
Reading Club 1-2
Language Art
Elementary 4-5th
Middle 7-8th
Language Art 6th-8th Garders
영어를 제 2외국어로 사용하는 학생들을 위한 영어 수업입니다.
리딩과 라이팅을 중심으로 단어와 문법을 배우는 수업입니다.
As students are in the upper classes. We will put more emphasize on vocab and learning reading comprehension. Knowing how to spot the main idea, reader's tone, simile's, parallel structure and more. This will smoothly lead to students being able to advance into test taking.